Magic Electric, Plumbing, Heating + Air is your dependable burst pipe repair company, always ready to help protect your home.

Most homeowners in Boise, ID understand the dangers of winter temperatures. Not only do they make our homes colder, but also they cause dangerous conditions for pipes and outside hose bibs.

A frozen pipe can easily burst, pouring gallons of water into and around your home. Not only can this be costly to repair, but also it can lead to extensive damage to your home as well. That’s why we at Magic Electric, Plumbing, Heating + Air offer reliable water main and burst pipe repair services.

Using our hassle-free scheduling, we’ll arrive at your home quickly, repair your pipe, and restore the flow of water to your home with little to no downtime.

Why Boise customers trust us:

Because burst pipes can cause extensive damage inside your home, make sure to call for immediate plumbing repair!